Closing Thoughts on a Digital Classroom
Social Media in the Classroom
Social media becomes a great platform for students to excel in their learning. I feel like I've been in this in-between during my entire educational life. Early parts I was taught only by books and paper and in later years was encouraged to use computers and media platforms to further my learning and presentations. Media in the classroom can be extremely beneficial for students. From collaboration to creative expression, benefits can be endless with the proper tools and intentions. I strongly believe that if you have access to technology, use it!
Collaborative Productivity Tools
You know what technology is capable of? Making collaboration that much easier. It could seriously be as simple as using google docs to take notes together or project plan. It could be all working on a PowerPoint together through google - each person getting a couple slides. These are just simpler apps, of course, there are more in-depth apps or apps you could go out of your way to get. Technology really just makes your life, and your students, that much easier. Not to mention apps from google let you see edit history, so you can see just who does what.
Classroom Management in a Digital Classroom
First things first, set the expectations! Right off the bat make sure that students know the expectations for using technology in the classroom and what it means to be a digital citizen.
I also think that if your students are going to be using technology, make sure you're really utilizing it as a teacher. Morning check-ins on a smartboard or through google classroom, use of interactive powerpoints and videos to teach lessons, etc.
Closing Thoughts
I've always been for using technology in the classroom - our world is becoming more technologically advanced and it's only fair to our students to know how to use it and all the capabilities it has. This class has only solidified that for me. Technology should definitely be incorporated in the classroom, and with all the ways it can be used, there is no excuse for it not to be.
I am also inbetweener when it comes technology in the classroom as a student. Plus my middle and high school wasn't the most up to date when it came to technology.