Digital Support: Incorporating Apps into Classroom Writing

 We use apps every day - whether it be for texting, social media posts, inspiration, shopping, banking, etc. Apps have become a familiar face for all ages. So why are we not incorporating them into the classroom? 

"There's an app for that!"

I've been there, gone through, and seen the mess of collaborative writing in the classroom. Groups of kids at a table, one recorder, and everyone throwing their ideas around. A mess. The solution? Easy - apps. Digital technology is sometimes underrated in all of the amazing things it can bring into the classroom. Some apps serve as great tools for collaboration in the classroom. How nice it would be to have students, sitting at a table together, being able to jot their own ideas down for everyone to see. No more single recorder, no more piles of paper everywhere that might just so happen to get lost. 

Collaborative writing... that's it? NOPE.

Apps can be used for encouragement/motivation, organization, and even self-monitoring.

My favorite apps for upper elementary grades are:

Evernote - a writing and organization tool. 

NaNoWriMo's Young Writers - creative writing app that encourages creative writing in the classroom. Set goals each month with how much you should write and stick to it.

Drafting Board - Perfect for persuasive essays. 

Story Wars 

Youth Voices

As an educator, my favorite apps are:

826 digital - This app is free and has a lot of resources for lessons on writing. 


Boom Writer - This is great for assigning and giving feedback to writers, there's also an option to publish your student's writing into a softcover book - how fun!?

If you haven't yet considered using apps in your classroom - and more specifically your writing program, definitely look into it and see what's best for your classroom needs. Opportunities are endless and could be so beneficial to a child's confidence and convenience in writing. 


  1. Hello Kaitlyn,
    Your reading is very organized and straight to the point. I completely agree with you on using apps in the classrooms. Just like you said "there are many apps to use" and educators need to take advantage of these apps. Good stuff!


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