Digital Audio: Podcasts, Recordings, and How They Benefit Your Classroom


I personally would've never thought podcasts would benefit my classroom so much until this past summer working at a childcare facility through crazy times - podcasts became my saving grace. With libraries closed and the kids getting sick of hearing the same stories over and over.... PODCASTS TO THE RESCUE! 

My kids have adored listening to podcasts. Some of my favorites for them have been:

But Why?

The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd

The Alien Adventures of Finn Caspian

I think podcasts are a great way to incorporate voice into literacy. I love that they can be found on wide topics that interest everyone. 

How can I use them in my classroom?

  • Have students record themselves reading.
  • Have students listen to a podcast and draw a picture of what they hear.
I've linked my podcast creation here as an example! 

A Few Podcast Apps:
  • Anchor
  • Audactiy


  1. I have to agree with you, I would have never thought of using a podcast before. With having lived through this pandemic, it is most definitely a wonderful tool and resource to remember for the future.


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